Almost Wholesale

Thursday, June 18, 2015

$5 Per Item Shipping Special @

Shippng can be expensive especially with heavier items. I have managed to be able to offer $5 per item shipping with keeping my prices down on all the items I have to offer. I will add more products each day to the site. I am hand selecting many different things of items such as tables, mirrors, toys, outdoor decor, and more each day. Take advantage of what I am offering and make sure to come back daily to see the new added products. Sorry the site doesn't look better, I don't have time to do this one man show and spiffy up the place. Not hiring help is how I am able to keep down the cost. Let me if you are looking for something in relation to anything on the site I don't have and I'll try my best to get it for you at an extremely low price. You can get to the site from either top logo you see up top or simply go to